run plan for the weekend 9/7-9/8

From: John Calarco (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 09:55:45 EDT

Problems continue with trying to gwt DAQ running without the TS.
Since 3 shifts have now been committed to this effort with no
success, I suggest terminating this effort and concentrating on
making certain the hardware is completely and correctly set up
for TOF efficiency and retiming measurements when the new TS
arrives on Monday. We have control of the trigger and access to
signals on the scope in the D-tunnel. The goal will be to trigger
the scope on the physics trigger and make certain that the
correct pattern of inputs to the ADCs and TDCs is seen on the
scope and that the retiming OR input is seen going into the
n-bar TDC as per Tancredi's notes. For the efficiency measurement,
you can even make an approximate measurement by observing the
coincident signals from the start, Cerenkov, and small paddle
and looking for the signal from the TOF in between.

During those times when you are not using the beam, CCR has a
program of beam studies they would like to accomplish. So please
coordinate your efforts with CCR and communicate to them the
times they may play with the beam.

John R. Calarco
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-2088
FAX:   (603)862-2998

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