[BLAST_ANAWARE] Programs may be useful to wire chamber group

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 30 2002 - 15:34:56 EST


During the software meeting, Doug asked for algorithms to select events
and write into a coda file.

I am not sure if I understand Doug correctly but functions toward this
this direction have been implemented in BlastLib2.

1st, it is possible to write an event into a coda file using
class TBLCodaEvo defined in TBLCodaEvo.h. Unfortunately I have not used
this feature myself. Probably Chris and Tim did.

2nd. class TBLCut_coda is implemented and defined in TBLCut_coda.h. It
will parse the raw data read in by TBLRaw from a coda file and extract
informations such as number of TOF hits on the left or right sector and
the paddle number of these hits.

TBLCut_coda is used in ntuple.C to select events with 1 TOF left && 1 TOF
rigth && 0or1 CC left && 0or1 CC right. a more strict cut could be
implemented like this:
        if (cut.GetSCnhit_left()==1
           && GetSCnhit_right()==1
           && GetCCnhit_left()<=1
           && GetCCnhit_right()<=1
           && ((GetSCpad_left() < 8 && GetSCpad_right() > 8)
                 || (GetSCpad_right() < 8 && GetSCpad_left() > 8)))

3rd. There are also algorithms implemented in TBLDetRecon, defined in
TBLDetRecon.h, that will link a track reconstructed in chamber to a
certain TOF hit, if the hit happens in a TOF that the track passes across
or the neighboring two TOF's (because of energy loss and track round
off's) it could happen that a particle hit a tof but the algorithms
extended its track to some other ones.

However, this part of the class will in some day be relocated into
TBLTrack according to the desgin of the whole library, so if you decide to
use these functions, you need to be prepared to changed your application
codes when the migration happens.


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