Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Tancredi Botto wrote:
> Hello,
> we should meet before the PAC to review the status of the various
> analysis/software projects. The suggested date is next tuesday, 9 am
> In particular the following projects are important for the nex tPAC
> _ Cross section normalization (jason)
> _ check asymmetry results (chris)
> _ neutrons (vitaly)
> - d2 (me)
> the last 3 could possibly profit from at least a cut on the number of Wch
> hits. I have included an example (proton tof in 0-14) from ABS runs. Note
> that an upper cut (i.e. < than) on nwch-hits did not work for me. Also,
> I only loose ca 20 % of events. However we should not speculate about that
> efficiency.
> Hopefully by tomorrow we have sorted out which preliminary t0 to use for
> a preliminary reconstruction. Right now the commis/phase2/ntuple.C has the
> l,r wch hits (nwl, nwr), you may need to recrunch. Note the link to
> libBlast from phase2 (also, note LD_LIBRARY_PATH starts with .)
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