some prelim results of the status of gain matching. I compare
runs 2374 (somehow a reference run) and 3632 (today).
Blue is pedestals, green is target gain, red is actual gain all as a
function of run number. Already in 2374 some channels (notably L0t, L8t)
were off which was already noted then. For a quick comparison what matters
is the red and green dot on the rhs of each plot
Generally the results are not too bad: what was off either came back or
remained equally away from the target value. Few channels however need
retouching of course.
If we do this we can in principle change the timing: however this time we
could do it by comparing the individual PMT timing of this and the final
gain-match data with the external flasher trigger. We can then use the
results to judge if a change in the retiming delay is necessary. We'd
avoid delay the run plan with start counter data-taking.
I'd appreciate if having to do these tests does not have to fall on me.
Adrian: I only made very little modifications to your code (must notably
I also print to screen and exit if you pass only one run #, case in which
the code breaks). If you have/know of a better reference run please let me
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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