I generated 100000 of neutrons in the momentum range from 0.03 to 0.5
GeV in the theta and phi angles within the neutron was acceptance. Here
is what I found about the efficiecy of neutron conversion in tofs and
neutron wall
p(MeV) tof wall
total #
p<100 0% 0% 14806
100<p<200 6.16% 13.9% 21375
200<p<300 6.87% 17.21% 21266
300<p<400 3.85% 10.89% 21306
400<p<500 3.77% 10.5 % 21247
To me the efficiency numbers seem hight (p>100MeV) and I'm not sure why
there is such a kinetic energy dependance.
Maybe, ultimately the efficiency won't matter (it should drop out of the
asymmentry). However, at least we should understand why there are no
neutrons detected below 100 MeV. I hope it is some bug in monter-carlo.
Maybe, Aaron can take a look at it since he is the mc guru around here.
Cheers, Vitaliy
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