[BLAST_SHIFTS] A-shift 5/30

From: Adam DeGrush (degrush@mit.edu)
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 07:02:54 EDT

stayed up all night for 15 min of data.

1:45:field off tune gave excessively high BQM values. roughly a factor of 4
to 5 higher than with field off (750 for the top, etc.)

2:00: following instructions given, asked CCR to turn torroid on run unpol
deuterium 0.05 sccm and retune beam.

In the mean time added ramp up/ramp down of ion polarimeter high voltages
into the epics program.

changed ramp-up/ramp-down rates for TOFs,NC,CC, to 500 V/s to speed up
switching between oper and stby. now takes 15 secs to ram pup/down blast

epics alarm handler works. to run:
"cd /home/blast/blast/pro2003/epics/alarmhandler" on dlbast09 , once again,
directly at dblast09.
type "alh BLAST.alhConfig"
if it beeps and flashes red, something is wrong. click around to find out
what it is. could be a crate tripping.
you now know as much about it as i do.

5:00: still couldn't get BQM's under control.

6:30: BQM's T=250, L=225, R=141, B=94, took run # 616 anyway. I=85mA,
lifetime=12 min, 21934 events
7:00 hall open for ion polarimeter. went home.called it a day or a night or
a day or a ...


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