Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] 06/12/03 C-shift summary

From: zhangchi (
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 07:59:35 EDT

Vitaliy: "Took data...yada...yada...yada. The runs taken are in the
RUNLIST under "more unpol runs". These runs are analyzed, "lrned" that

data taking were interupted a few times due to Compton hung.
pol-control had to be killed and restarted a couple of times. could not
completely execute the procedure in the instruction simply because we do
not know compton password.

warnevent died and had to be restarted. Need a warnevent for warnevent?

Added new Cerenkov voltages into epics gui as per Tavi's request.

Sombody ruined HV medm window sizes. Those on shift will know what I
mean. If anybody knows how to fix it please help.

Adam, Chi

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