Hi, AS and TB.
just about any version of BlastLib2 should work with MC, but not sure
about lrn.C in respect to reading MC polarization.
I guess the easiest way to check is to call TBLRaw::MCprint() to dump
a few events. It is almost at the lowest level we can go to and should
reflect the data most faithfully.
Honestly I am not sure I ever used lrn.C in my polarized MC study. I had
my recon.cc date back to the dark time when we did not have lrn, and has
been using it for my own purpose sometimes. Maybe Tancredi is right about
booking it in 6 bits.
But still I can also argue that it makes MC "non-linear" in the sense that
it would depend on a technical detail of the equipment rather than general
About merging epel and DGen. I think we eventually would have to do it for
running e-p and e-p-pion together. It does not have to be me to do it. The
code is made such that changes needed to add a channel are very localized.
Anyone should be able to implement epel by following the example in
Mott.cc if sourse codes would be copied or Maid.cc if epel would be linked
to as a static library.
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Adrian T Sindile wrote:
> Hi!
> I have been using BlastLib v2 (I did "cvs up -rv2 BlastLib2 Blast_Params").
> Can anyone tell me what version of BlastLib2 should I use - to make sure I
> use the right thing? I need the exact cvs command (to update my existing
> stuff).
> I am using the latest lrn.C, but I had to comment two lines (about
> TBLComptonrecon and nc), as I do not have the right library version...
> Maybe this is why I also do not get the polarization stuff out of the
> .coda file? I am pretty sure I pipe it into the CODA stream in the Monte
> Carlo...
> Thanks!
> Adrian
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