Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] BlastLib2 version question

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 20:51:28 EDT

Hi, Chi!

> just about any version of BlastLib2 should work with MC, but not sure
> about lrn.C in respect to reading MC polarization.
> I guess the easiest way to check is to call TBLRaw::MCprint() to dump
> a few events. It is almost at the lowest level we can go to and should
> reflect the data most faithfully.

Thanks, that should do it!

For merging epel and DGen, I guess we'll do it when we get to it...
personally I am happy with Chris' epel and don't think I need any merger. :-)
After I look into this Monte Carlo epel asymmetry (project of my own
choosing), I want to start digging more into the TOF and BAT digitization
- and I am pretty sure all people have their hands full... so merging two
codes does not seem to have a high priority right now anyway.


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