[BLAST_ANAWARE] array question

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 16:39:53 EDT

Hi guys-

        I am trying to derive and test offsets from all the d2eep ntuples
from runs 1348-1799 and am mainly using the PID cut idl/idr==14. What I
don't want to do is crunch all new ntuples to test offsets. So I am
trying to subtract them from the already crunched ntuples. Here's the
problem, say I want to plot ttl-ttr for a proton in a left paddle with
ttr coming from all the other right sector paddles. I read in the offsets
and then subtract them in a loop over the paddles for ttl but for ttr the
paddle varies. I wanted to use ntr as the array variable for ttr (and
ntl for the ttl array index in ttr-ttl. But I can't get this to work.
In the loop over left proton paddle have a string:


but it won't take ntr as the index for the electron paddle side offsets...

it gives me:
Syntax Error: +"ntr"+ FILE:d2proton_idl2_avg.C LINE:119
Error: Illegal pointer operation (tovalue) FILE:d2proton_idl2_avg.C

        any thoughts?


Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu

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