[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 08/31/2003 E (16-20)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 19:48:33 EDT

Operators: ajmasch vziskin tavi

Running beam untill 18:30. Stopped to measure the atomic fraction.
The atomic fraction in the cell with MFT 2-3 off was measure 43 to 45 (current dependance)%. I found a MFT 2-3 resonace @ -5 Amp with the BLAST field off. With this MFT2-3 on the mass1 signal drops by about a half (current correction needed) however mass2 dropped by significantly less(less than 1/3). The atomic fraction with MFT2-3 is 39.3 % which is more consistant with the data (on that later). This indicates that there is a significant number of H2 that does not come from the recombination (otherwise H2 would also drop by a half).

The data definately shows an assssymetry, with dilution factor of about 0.18 (60 and 30% beam and target respectively), with the asymmetry from latter data showing slightly lower dilution. However, the bigger issue is the left/right inconsistancy. Electron on the left asymmetry look very dissent. Electron on the right looks a lot worse. I looked into the issue further and found that my making even tighter cuts on the vertex this discrepancy seems to reduce. Upon further investigation I found the negative overall electron-right asymmetry gets diluted by mostly "positive asymmetry" comming from downstream (????). More statistics need for investigation. By comparison, electron-left asymmetry vs. vertex looks exactly like you would expect it.

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