Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 12/14/2003 D (12-16)

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 14:50:59 EST

         In case blrocf3 (right sector) is dying, I've set up a spare
MVME162 as blrocf3. It's in the tan cabinet in the counting bay, middle
shelf, in a box labelled "Spare ROC (blrocf3)".

         If blrocf3 needs power cycling, in addition to noting the
voltages, please note the status of the LEDs on the MVME162 (color, steady
or blinking). Michael Kohl said he saw the FUSES led flickering. That's
strange, since the manual claims that indicates a SCSI problem, and we
don't use the SCSI feature.


At 11:08 AM 12/15/2003 -0500, Karen Dow wrote:

> If you can't telnet to a ROC, and the reset button on the MVME162
> doesn't reboot it, BEFORE you power-cycle the crate please note all
> voltages and currents and put them in elog. The right ROC has gone out
> to lunch twice in two days, so maybe one of the voltages isn't quite
> right. Remember, the left sector crate is getting its +5V from the right
> sector power supply; if you need to power-cycle a crate, please do both
> crates until further notice.
> Kare
>At 03:32 AM 12/15/2003 -0500, Electronic Log Book wrote:
>>Operators: degrush nikolas ----
>>Continued 60 sccm Hydrogen injecting at 105 mA and cell set point (Frame
>>2) was at 105 K.
>>Replace He Bottles. Cradle was left in south hall to keep it a quick
>>access. Should be removed this morning.
>>Coda died once, specifically blrocf3. Didnot recover upon reseting
>>locally. Eventually cylcled power and it recovered.
>>Took Runs 3970 3972 3973.
>>Crunching seems to be really slow (falling behind)

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