[BLAST_SHIFTS] BlastDataAlarm and onlineGui

From: vitaliy ziskin (vziskin@mit.edu)
Date: Mon Feb 09 2004 - 11:45:22 EST

There seems to be two problems with BlastDataAlarm and onlineGui.
1) enviroment variable BLAST_PARAM is still set pro2003 directory which
makes the new code crash
2) new library used for these programs does not work on dblast computers.
When I ran the program on spuds with correct blast_param directory it
seemed to go ok. Any suggestion on how to fix these problems.


Electronic Log Book wrote:

>Operators: franklin karpiusp hasell
>The goal of this shift was to set up to take data with unpolarized hydrogen without the BLAST field for purposes of calibration.
>Shift started with tuning in Ring. By 8:00, ops had beam in Ring. The 50 mA
>limit was apparently exceeded during overnight tuning and they were running up to 80 mA. Hopefully cell will not be affected. Lifetime is about 40 minutes with slits out. Part of shift was spent setting up slits and steering coils for target and upstream. Lifetime drops to about 25 minutes with slits in (positions and rates documented in Peter's note).
>Once we were satisfied with tune, we started the unpolarized gas flow. This took a while since the procedure has changed with the addition of the buffer system (again see notes). We are running with buffer system in a temporary mode (see Aki's note for instructions). We chose a setpoint of 1.0 Torr for the buffer pressure. This gives a LIGIT pressure of about 8*10^-8, although it does not seem to reproduce very well when buffer refills.
>There is a problem with the Fastbus power supply. Doug has contacted the Controls Group and Alan Carson is coming in to work on it. This must be addressed before data can be taken.

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