runlist Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/20/2004 A (0-4)

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 12:02:38 EST

Hi, Vitaliy and all,

here are some tools that might help you be less dependent on the

1. lr.C, flr.C, flrpm.C accepts a few new arguments:
root lr.C #### [closed|open][tgt=empty|unpol|UNPOL|Unpol|abs|ABS|]
these options are:
 closed: add only ntuples finished crunching into your chain
 open: add only ntuples still being crunched into your chain
 tgt=...: target type
 gas=...: gas type
 ps=1|-1: blast polarity

flrpm.C: opens flr-####.root, but chains an ntuple called "flrpm" in those
files. this ntuple contains events that have 1 positve charge and 1
negative charge going into different sectors. So if your analysis is
ep/ed/e'p and maybe e'pi+, flrpm.C should provide a more efficient
starting point. to use this, change the line in your script that says
".x flr.C" to ".x flrpm.C"

2. after say: `root lr.C 4800-4900 closed` , under root prompt type:

this prints a table of information run by run included in your chain:
 runno *targ *gas * spinth *flip *blastpol * fntrig * fnev * flow * ligit * cellt * livetime *
  4871 * 1 * 2 * 42.883045 * 1 * 1 * 97792 * 25527 * 14.58 * 6.705e-08 * 99.18 * 0.794478 *
  4872 * 1 * 2 * 42.878910 * 1 * 1 * 68903 * 18192 * 19.09 * 6.e-08 * 95.83 * 0.720339 *
  4873 * 1 * 2 * 42.913997 * 1 * 1 * 196262 * 54769 * 19.63 * 6.757e-08 * 95.46 * 0.753600 *
  4874 * 1 * 2 * 42.909412 * 1 * 1 * 197912 * 52334 * 17.34 * 6.702e-08 * 95.39 * 0.685045 *
  4875 * 1 * 2 * 42.922325 * 1 * 1 * 197739 * 52055 * 17.51 * 6.723e-08 * 95.72 * 0.671832 *
  4876 * 1 * 2 * 42.908271 * 1 * 1 * 197775 * 52778 * 17.31 * 6.719e-08 * 95.93 * 0.635937 *
  4877 * 1 * 2 * 42.917072 * 1 * 1 * 197805 * 53448 * 19.27 * 6.699e-08 * 95.57 * 0.690526 *
  4878 * 1 * 2 * 42.918365 * 1 * 1 * 197800 * 55035 * 18.10 * 6.774e-08 * 95.33 * 0.714390 *
  4880 * 1 * 2 * 42.935611 * 1 * 1 * 198038 * 53405 * 16.50 * 6.726e-08 * 95.16 * 0.681135 *
  4881 * 1 * 2 * 42.932342 * 1 * 1 * 197659 * 55549 * 16.87 * 6.717e-08 * 95.69 * 0.714590 *

the colums are:
 run number,
 target type: -2=undefined, -1=empty, 0=unpol, 1=abs
 target gas: -1=undefined, 0=empty, 1=H, 2=D
 spinth: averaged spin angle read back from epics
 flip: house holding, only introduced to handle the few runs last
        year where spin flipper software are "flipping" but the flipper
        hardware was not working because some power supply was off down stair
 blastpol: field polarity
 fntrig: number of triggers in the run, so 4873 and on are 200k runs
 fnev: number of events with at least one track
 flow: target gas flow, seem not registered right for these runs
 ligit/cellt/livetime: self-explaining

there is a function too called: fill_info() which list the same table fill
by fill

3. other functions:
charge_by_run(), charge_by_fill(): shows a table for beam gated charge:
 runno * bgpp * bgpm * bgmp * bgmm * bgp0p * bgm0p * bgp0 * bgm0 * bgpt * bgmt
        hel vec tensor
 bgpp: + + +(D)
 bgpm: + - +(D)
 bgmp: - + +(D)
 bgmm: - - +(D)
 bgp0p: + 0 + for D only
 bgm0p: - 0 + for D only
 bgp0: + 0 -(D) (unpol for H)
 bgm0: - 0 -(D) (unpol for H)
 bgpt: check sum of charge in hel + state
 bgmt: check sum of charge in hel - state

rate_by_run(), rate_by_fill():
runno * bgpt * bgmt * bgrt1 * rt1 * wcrt1 * tkrt1 * bqmt * bqml * bqmb * bqmr *
 4890 * 50.96* 43.47* 8231 * 656 * 350 * 243 *294088*61381 *81250 *52795 *
... ...
the entries are:
 bgpt/bgmt: total charge
 bgrt1: beam gated trigger rate in trigger type 1(0 in visual
                scaler) in Hz
 rt1: cnt/coulumb of coda physics events
 wcrt1: cnt/coulumb of coda physics events that has at least one hit
                in each chamber in at least one sector
 tkrt1: cnt/coulumb of coda physics events that reconstructed to
                have at least one track
 bqmt/bqml/bqmb/bqmr: cnt/coulmb of bqm

Sorry for the little unfortunate counts/coulumb unit that makes it hard to
compare to raw scaler and bqm rates.

Hope this would provide some overall information about runs/fills so one
can rely less on the RUNLIST/RUNSHEET but on statistics upon real data
collected from scaler/epics stream.


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