I have moved the normalized scalers in visual_scal again. This will allow
us to scale all of the coincs of neutron bar ends (56 LADS + 16 Ohio). The
normalized scalers are back in the 8th column, but only in the last 10
channels (22-31 or 23-32, depending on where you like to start counting
from). There wasn't room to scale all the PHYSn and still have a place to
connect TSL1A and TSL2A. Those 2 are more important anyhow, as they give
us the trigger rate as well as the 2nd level trigger rejection
fraction. The PHYSn only show what is coming out of the trigger logic, NOT
what gets accepted by the 2nd level trigger, and NOT what survives
prescaling in the Trigger Supervisor. I checked visual_scal.cc into CVS.
I updated Taylan's noet version of visual_scal also. Taylan will look
into checking that into CVS.
I also moved the appropriate scaler labels in
~/pro2004/Blast_Params/scaler.label and checked that into CVS. Once
Michael has cabled the NC scalers, he'll update the label file accordingly.
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