[BLAST_SHIFTS] ABS Chiller problem indicated by Nozzle Temperature Controller

From: Eugene J. Geis (Eugene.Geis@asu.edu)
Date: Sun Apr 25 2004 - 19:29:35 EDT

Hauke called and told me that the Nozzle and Cell temperature controllers
tripped about 11 hours ago. These can be restarted in their respective windows
on dblast10 by hitting the button "control" in the drop-down window... this will
change the green status label from MONITOR to CONTROL. You'll know that these
have tripped when you see oscillating unphysical temperatures in the TARGET gui
on the overhead monitors. If it continues to trip regularly or simply does not
change from MONITOR to CONTROL, call someone. This problem seems to be with the
Chiller. I'm presently making an access and checking the status of the chiller


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