Hi Vitaliy,
I found some numbers in David Boersmašs thesis (he did 3He with Bigbite and
the neutron detectors, ahead of Igor). Table 3.1 (page 50) has the following
information for Bigbite:
Angular coverage
Theta: +/- 80 mrad
Phi: +/- 300 mrad
For the neutron detectors there is no similar information. However, Fig. 4.7
(page 76) gives the following angular ranges for the neutron detectors
(measured from elatic H(e,e'p)):
Theta: +/- 250 mrad
Phi: +/- 200 mrad
Hope it helps,
On 4/28/04 4:17 PM, "vitaliy ziskin" <vziskin@mit.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> First of all I have checked in a correction to the DGEN that corrects
> the target vector and tensor polarizations by square roots. Secondly, I
> would like to run our blastmc for a NIKHEF point in Igor's thesis to
> verify our monte-carlo.
> For that I would like to find out an angular coverage for BigBite (theta
> and phi) and TOF detector (theta, and phi). It is not obvious from his
> thesis what it is. Thank you in advance.
> Cheers, Vitaliy
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