[BLAST_ANAWARE] calculations for 600mm cell

From: Hauke Kolster (hauke@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 14:53:43 EDT

I took the parameters from my previous calculations and
caluclated the effect on the polarization for a 600mm
cell assuming that all parameters can be transfered and
only the number of wall bounces changes. I did two

1) Hydrogen target. Here I used the new cell geometry
to calculate the new distribution of average wall collisions.
The results are shown in the attached pictures cellpol_3c.jpg
and cell_3d.jpg for the two cases of high and low wall
relaxation in the target. The target polarization drops by
50% in case of weak wall relaxation/strong recombination and
by 35% in case of strong wall relaxation/weaker recombination.

2) Deuterium target. Here I increased the average number
of wall collisions in the cell by a factor of two to see what
effect this has on the polarization loss due to the sigma
transitions 2-6 and 3-5. The results are plotted in attachment
abspol1n.jpg and show a drop in average vector polarization of
the vector states of 0.06 and an average drop of the tensor
polarization of 0.18 in the vector plus and minus states and
0.35 for the tensor minus state. The results for the average
polarizations for the 600mm cell are:
- Pz(V+,V-) = +/-0.71
- Pzz(V+,V-) = +0.35
- Pz(T-) = 0.00
- Pzz(T-) = -0.68
This does not include any effect related to molecules.


Hauke Kolster MIT * Bldg 26-551 * Cambridge, MA 02139
kolster@mit.edu Tel (617) 253-2693 Fax (617) 258-5440




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