[BLAST_ANAWARE] filtered data

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Jun 23 2004 - 11:08:53 EDT

"lr" is not even good for wch eff, since there you a need a tof filter
obvioulsy. This pushes us even more in the direction of having
 ntuple data = filtered data only.

I would further suggest to put "all" filtered data in one ntuple
(including single tracks) with some very rough acceptance cuts (i.e. if
particle hits cerenkov then require momentum > 0.25 GeV which makes sense
since e+ bckg fires the cerenkov and our physics is at omega < 0.6 GeV)

-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

On Mon, 21 Jun 2004, Michael Kohl wrote:

> To throw in my coin,
> > the idea of scratching lr pops up in my mind once every few weeks too.
> > everytime I realize we need that huge monster for WC efficiency purpose.
> > maybe in near future we will sit down and answer this question carefully,
> > then we may only need to generate lr for one in each few runs.
> If wire chamber efficiency is the *only* reason for the existence of lr,
> why don't we generate a smaller ntuple with only those necessary entries
> for TOF and Wch (and discard any BAT, NC, LADS info). This would make
> those files much smaller than lr.
> >
> > > one way to cut down on disk space would be to substitute 'flrpm' for
> > > 'flr'. of course, people wanting only one track (inclusive) would have
> > > to make their own filter from 'lr'.
> >
> > Nick may pick on that :)
> Me and probably Vitaliy, too! There is only one charged track for e,e'n
> events!
> Michael

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