Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 07/11/2004 C (17-1) -- wrong trigger file

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 14:15:29 EDT

         I've looked at newphys_kd.settings and
newphys_kd_BATS.settings. I believe the only difference is that the latter
file includes events involving the BATS. So my memory is faulty;
newphys_kd does not have bugs.

         However, if the BATS HV is on, then you really ought to use the
_BATS trigger file, even though the BATS TDC is still not in the FASTBUS
crate. Otherwise, if a BATS fires in coincidence with any of the other
detectors, that trigger will be rejected at the sector MLU, since the BATS
bit will be set, and that is not one of the valid bit patterns. I don't
believe that happens very often, and I don't think it is
helicity/polarization dependent, so the data taken with newphys_kd should
all be ok. Still, it is best to use newphys_kd_BATS. Better to keep a few
events that involve a BATS but don't have BATS timing info, than to lose
some events involving BATS.


At 01:14 AM 7/12/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Operator: egeis
>Wonderful running period until about just now CCR reported a strange trip
>in the beam... runs 8784-8798 taken and crunching
>Karen called around 11pm and reported that the wrong trigger file seems to
>have been used since yesterday ~1pm. I checked neutron rates in the lads
>and OHIO walls with data before shutdown and there didn't seem to be a
>difference. I took a few more runs but out of prudence I changed back to
>the successful trigger of the last four months reported to have NO BUGS.
>Typical Coda hangs and mostly TOF Crate trips. All else is well in the
>counting bay.

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