hello, shift-takers:
polarization results being recored to the pol.log file aren't being done
consistently. please read below how to interpret the vector polarization
1) the macro to run is :
it is located in :
2) to run it, type the following:
root -l show_deep_asym_all.C [run numbers]
3) when done running, many canvases will pop up, all on top of each
other. the last canvas that pops up (i.e. the one on top and thus
immediately visible to the viewer) is the one that has the results
you want to quote and write into the pol.log file. that
canvas has the following title:
d(e,e'p)n A_{ed}^V Asymmetry Vs. Q^2 for theta_d = 32.0, 60.0 target
i repeat, this canvas is the top one, the one that is visible. you
don't have to click on anything to go looking for it!!!!
4) within that canvas, please quote the polarization results listed under
"Deuterium Fit", not the ones listed under "Hydrogen Fit".
5) to get the charge, scroll back up the x-window until you reach the
charge output. it will look something like the following:
( h, Pz,Pzz) charge (C)
------------- -----------
( +1, +1, +1) 618.8820
( -1, +1, +1) 481.5979
( +1, -1, +1) 531.8112
( -1, -1, +1) 464.6711
( +1, 0, -2) 514.1719
( -1, 0, -2) 521.8225
( +1, undef) 0.0000
( -1, undef) 0.0000
------------- -----------
( +1, all ) 1668.0936
( -1, all ) 1470.6404
The total charge in defined states is : 3138.7340 C
The grand total in all states is : 3138.7340 C
the bottom two lines should be the same (if not, there's a problem
with the experimental setup). if they are, quote either one. if
not, call someone.
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