[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 07/23/2004 A (1-9)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Jul 23 2004 - 09:19:03 EDT

Operator: franklin

Quiet shift with nearly continuous data taking. The beam was very stable throughout this shift. Runs through 9264 have been taken and are crunching.

There was a problem with scintillator spectra all coming in empty in the online GUI. After speaking with Michael and looking at raw TDC data with ROOT macros, we concluded that the data were actually OK and that there was simply a problem with the online GUI, since events seemed to reconstruct properly. However, further analysis this morning is casting some doubt on this conclusion. Investigation is ongoing.

There is also some indication that the target polarization may be starting to drop.
Data from the most recent two shifts available (7/22 A and B) have hPz averaging about .40. The temperature of the cell frame has also been gradually rising. We should continue to monitor this carefully.

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