
From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Oct 29 2001 - 15:59:37 EST


I'm still having trouble compiling II modified the Makefile
so only (and libBlast_CInt.o and and the
BLAST class object files) are made. Now I get the following messages.
Does anyone know what they mean? Are they errors of some sort? The file still forms after these messages, but root won't link the file
correctly (i.e. s.C doesn't work).

make all
/home/blast/blast/root3.02/bin/rootcint -f -c -p
TBLMagField.h TBLSimTrack.h TBLGeometry.h TBLDrawGeometry.h TBLEvent.h
TCodaRead.h TCodaEvio.h TCodaSwapUtil.h TBLRecon.h TBLScRecon.h
TBLCerenkovRecon.h TBLUtilPad.h \
class TBLMagField in TBLMagField.h line 25 original base of virtual func
class TBLSimTrack in TBLSimTrack.h line 10 original base of virtual func
class TCodaSwapUtil in TCodaSwapUtil.h line 28 original base of virtual
class TCodaEvio in TCodaEvio.h line 70 original base of virtual func
class TBLEvent in TBLEvent.h line 146 original base of virtual func
class TBLGeometry in TBLGeometry.h line 38 original base of virtual func
class TBLRecon in TBLRecon.h line 73 original base of virtual func
class TBLScRecon in TBLScRecon.h line 33 original base of virtual func
class TBLCerenkovRecon in TBLCerenkovRecon.h line 26 original base of
virtual func
Class TCodaRead: Streamer() not declared
Class TCodaRead: ShowMembers() not declared
Class TBLScData: Streamer() not declared
Class TBLScData: ShowMembers() not declared
Class TBLScCalib: Streamer() not declared
Class TBLScCalib: ShowMembers() not declared
Class TBLCerenkovData: Streamer() not declared
Class TBLCerenkovData: ShowMembers() not declared
Class TBLCerenkovCalib: Streamer() not declared
Class TBLCerenkovCalib: ShowMembers() not declared



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