Re: compiling

From: Timothy Smith (tim_smith@MIT.EDU)
Date: Tue Oct 30 2001 - 12:45:57 EST

Hello Aaron & BLASTers,

        I have been working on fix A number of
changes have been made in BlastLib, in the files TBLRecon.*
and . There is also a new "s.C" in the "run"

        I have also tested these widely, and there
all work at Bates (blast05), LNS (blast-dc2) and UNH (einstein)
(except where there are old versions of Root, as listed below).


        1) go to your BlastLib and run directory and do a

                        cvs up
        2) go to your cvs-root (or whatever you called it)
           directory (cd BlastLib ; cd ..) and do a

           which will take the new BlastLib/ and
           make a BlastLib/Makefile

        3) go to BlastLib
                        cd BlastLib

                        make clean


                        make install
          (this now moves code to run directory)

                        cd ../run

        8) run "s.C"
                        root -l s.C
        9) run "nsed"
        10) run "s"
                        s -p -m event.coda

        1) there are command line options on s.C , but
           you need root version > 3.00 to use them .
           They are explained in s.C, but commented out.

        2) has an old version of root (2.22)
           and so can not run "nsed"
        Please tell if these works or fails for you.

                                        Tim Smith
 Timothy Paul Smith Research Scientist
 MIT Bates Lab
 21 Manning Rd. tel: (617) 253-9207
 Middleton, MA 01949 fax: (617) 253-9599

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