[BLAST_WCH] Wire target installed for WC calibration

From: Karen Dow (kdow@mit.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 15:07:46 EDT

        A wire target has been installed near the upstream end of the target
chamber, in place of the unpolarized gas cell. There are actually 2
wires separated by 10mm. The wire target is driven by an EPICS
application (see Dan Cheever with any questions). The accelerator
operators will always move the wire target.

        I have surveyed the wires compared to the beam centerline. The survey
is good to better than 0.5mm. The following numbers in EPICS will put
the appropriate wire on the centerline:

Wire Raw Steps LVDT
---- --------- ----

1 (beam right) 1330 -5.3
2 (beam left) 1645 -15.5

Dan's application will read 0 when the appropriate wire is on the
centerline; Dan will email the application/variable name.

                                        Karen Dow

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