I've submitted a few changes to blastmc v3 (after fresh update).
Here is a (slightly re-edited) cvs log
_ Added some comments in fort99 - gives pointer to dgen/epel info
_ blast.geom: added realistic scattering chamber geometries (cell walls,
exit foil). Having all 8 cerenkovs is now default.
- removed old geom files, blast.geom is the only geom file in v3
_ Added a "forward" cerenkov set with n=1.02 (all else have 1.03)
_ Cerenkov digitization buggy: forced ADC = Nphotoelectrons. However this
number is way too high (30 PE!!) I think. Note: all detector digitization seem
only tentative
_ If energy loss = 0 then tdc=-1 (tof/sb/nc). This fixes a problem with
geant (the tdc is always computed, also for neutrals, since it depends
only the tracking time of flight) and the data analysis (the tdc is used
to select events)
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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