From: John Calarco (jrc@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 14:05:26 EDT

It appears that one of our space science groups at UNH has some
equipment they want to get rid of (see below). Can BLAST use
this? If so, I will try to get it. However, I assume other NASA
contractees have first dibs.

John R. Calarco
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-2088
FAX:   (603)862-2998
email: calarco@unh.edu

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:58:05 -0400 (EDT) From: Rosemary C Raynes <rcr@cisunix.unh.edu> To: ttprof <amitava-bhattacharjee@uiowa.edu>, calarco@unh.edu, connell@ulysses.uchicago.edu, Dawn Meredith <dawn.meredith@unh.edu>, dickkaufmann <dick.kaufmann@unh.edu>, Eberhard.Moebius@unh.edu, elc@hypatia.unh.edu, harvey.shepard@unh.edu, hersman@unh.edu, james.harper@unh.edu, Jim Ryan <james.ryan@unh.edu>, jjw@hypatia.unh.edu, jmulhern@hypatia.unh.edu, joe.hollweg@unh.edu, john.dawson@unh.edu, jraeder@igpp.ucla.edu, karsten.pohl@unh.edu, lballing@hypatia.unh.edu, lynn.kistler@unh.edu, marty.lee@unh.edu, Maurik Holtrop <maurik.holtrop@unh.edu>, oee@hypatia.unh.edu, per.berglund@unh.edu, rlambert@hypatia.unh.edu, roger.arnoldy@unh.edu, roy.torbert@unh.edu, rsimpson@hopper.unh.edu, sbeane@zonker.phys.washington.edu, Mike Briggs <msbriggs@cisunix.unh.edu> Cc: katie Makem <katie.makem@unh.edu> Subject: UPS (fwd)


We have an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) we no longer need. We have asked the Ulysses project for permission to surplus it. It is rather substantial with a 7.5 KVA output and requires a three cycle 480 V input. While we were at Chicago, it supported a whole room full of computers and tape drives, but our present needs are more modest; we plan to purchase a much smaller UPS that runs on 120 VAC. Is there anyone who needs or can use a heavy duty UPS? Assuming NASA lets us surplus it, they are welcome to this one. It could be very useful for projects that can ill afford a power failure such as vacuum or cryogenic experiments.


Jim Connell

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