[BLAST_SHIFTS] blast account software update

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Sep 15 2004 - 20:41:41 EDT

blast account updated to the head, tagged v3_4 as a part of preperation
for the recrunch. lrn, lrd, nsed, libBlast.so are symbolically linked to
_3.4 counterparts.

many of the environmental files are changed:
Wire.Cal: a new one with recalibrated k-factor as mentioned in earlier
        emails ~003 now
blastrc: new one including a couple new switches ~004 now
Epics.map: added one channel ~08 now
electronics.map: checked into CVS thus changed its time stamp, have to
        make a new one in the archive, identical in content to the one
        using right before ~036 now.

If anything stopped working, please send me emails.


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