Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] 10/08/02 evening/morning shift summary

From: Adam DeGrush (
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 07:35:15 EDT

Hello All,

The following data sets were taken with the wire target, blast torroid on, trigger
= elastic_tof_wire

Evening Shift (Tong and Peter)
Run Built Events
2117 74K

Morning Shift
Run Built Events
 2118 63K
2119 62K
2120 82K

We still had trouble with the wire readback position changing throughout the
morning. Also it was still an enormous challenge to prevent showers from
occurring so a fair amount of the data may be unusable. However, we do see a lot
of clean tracks coming from the region of the wire target. And the S/B still
remains good , better than 2:1 for all chambers.

Bill and Adam

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